//---- customizable variables (write to it via server variables) ------------- var popups_shown = 0; var optionstyle = 2; var imageIsLoaded = 0; var waitresult; var xmlHttp; var requestType; var popup_option = 1; //just added //option values // 1 = Slide up on page load and stay visible // 2 = a) Slide up on page load // b) Slide down after 10 seconds // c) Slide up again after 5 seconds displaying a different model // d) and stay visible // 3 = a) Slide up on page load // b) Slide down after 10 seconds, // c) Slide up again after 5 seconds displaying a different model and report. // d) Over and over var modelid = "199484"; // ---> the model id var affiliate_wid = "100131"; // --> the affiliate wid var affiliate_cid = "129"; // --> the affiliate cid var affiliate_rid = "1"; // --> the affiliate cid var customer_name = "naughtyamie"; // --> the customer name var maintext = "I miss you...

So much! ;)"; // --> the fetched message from db // ---- end of customizable variables ------------------- //---- normal variables ---------------------------------- var linkout="https://www.filipinawebcams.com/chat.php?model_id=" + modelid + "&context=free&wid=" +affiliate_wid + "&cid=" + affiliate_cid + "&rid=" + affiliate_rid; var toptext="" + customer_name + " says,"; //---- end of customizeable variables var csstext = ' '; //var htmltext='
'; var htmltext='
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document.getElementById("mainhref").innerHTML = maintext; document.getElementById("maingreeting").innerHTML = customer_name + " says,"; } function createXMLHttpRequest() { if(window.ActiveXObject) { xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } } function startRequest( url, qry, type) { createXMLHttpRequest(); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handleStateChange; xmlHttp.open(type, url, true); if(type == 'POST') { xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;"); xmlHttp.send(qry); } else { xmlHttp.send(null); } } function WaitForImg() { if(imageIsLoaded==1) { clearInterval(waitresult); setTimeout("checkCookie()", 4000); positionit(); } } function handleStateChange() { if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4) { if(xmlHttp.status == 200) { //document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = xmlHttp.responseText; //RESULT = xmlHttp.responseText //alert(xmlHttp.responseText); var reply = xmlHttp.responseText; var sep_location = reply.indexOf("|"); var sep_location2 = reply.indexOf("|",sep_location+1); modelid = reply.substring(0,sep_location); customer_name = reply.substring(sep_location+1,sep_location2); maintext = reply.substring(sep_location2+1); //alert(modelid+" " +customer_name+" "+maintext); imageIsLoaded = 0; UpdateHTMLTexts(); waitresult = setInterval("WaitForImg()",100); } } else { //document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = 'Loading...'; //request is loading..... } } function RequestAnotherModel() { //qry = '&email=' + document.getElementById("email").value; qry = ""; startRequest('requestmodel.php',qry,'POST'); } function closethis() { var divPath = document.getElementById('floatyContent'); divPath.style.display='none'; } function moveIt(id,x,state) { //values for state //0 = moving up //1 = on top //2 = moving down var supported = (document.getElementById); if (!supported) { //alert("Not suppoerted!"); return; } else { //alert("Supported!"); } var divPath = document.getElementById(id); var currPos = parseInt(divPath.style.bottom); divPath.style.display='block'; if (currPos < x && state==0) { //alert("animating!"); currPos += 5; divPath.style.bottom = currPos + "px"; setTimeout("moveIt('" + id + "'," + x + ",0)", 15); } else if (state==2) { //closing down x = -150; if(currPos >= x) { currPos -= 5; divPath.style.bottom = currPos + "px"; setTimeout("moveIt('" + id + "'," + x + ",2)", 15); } else { //must reload page here if option this option is on //alert("-->"+document.getElementById('darkcastlemedia14344').src); //document.getElementById('darkcastlemedia14344').src = document.getElementById('darkcastlemedia14344').src; //alert("->"+self.src); if(optionstyle==3) { RequestAnotherModel(); } else { if(popups_shown < 1) { RequestAnotherModel(); } } } } else if (optionstyle==2 || optionstyle==3){ if(optionstyle==2 && popups_shown==1) { //ignore } else { timeout = 10000; //set timeout here for duration of flash state=2; //flag for closing down animation divPath.style.bottom = currPos + "px"; setTimeout("moveIt('" + id + "'," + x + ",2)", timeout); } } } function writePersistentCookie (CookieName, CookieValue, periodType, offset) { var expireDate = new Date (); offset = offset / 1; var myPeriodType = periodType; switch (myPeriodType.toLowerCase()) { case "years": var year = expireDate.getYear(); // Note some browsers give only the years since 1900, and some since 0. if (year < 1000) year = year + 1900; expireDate.setYear(year + offset); break; case "months": expireDate.setMonth(expireDate.getMonth() + offset); break; case "days": expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate() + offset); break; case "hours": expireDate.setHours(expireDate.getHours() + offset); break; case "minutes": expireDate.setMinutes(expireDate.getMinutes() + offset); break; default: alert ("Invalid periodType parameter for writePersistentCookie()"); break; } document.cookie = escape(CookieName ) + "=" + escape(CookieValue) + "; expires=" + expireDate.toGMTString() + "; path=/"; } function getCookieValue (cookieName) { var exp = new RegExp (escape(cookieName) + "=([^;]+)"); if (exp.test (document.cookie + ";")) { exp.exec (document.cookie + ";"); return unescape(RegExp.$1); } else return false; } function checkCookie() { counter = getCookieValue('msn_counter_132'); if(counter == false) { counter = 0; } else { counter = parseInt(counter); } if(counter < 1000000) { moveIt('floatyContent',-4,0); writePersistentCookie ('msn_counter_132', counter+1, 'hours', 12); } } function positionit(){ masterdivobj=document.getElementById("masterdiv") var window_width=ie && !window.opera? iebody.clientWidth : window.innerWidth-20 window_height=ie && !window.opera? iebody.clientHeight : window.innerHeight var dsocleft=ie? iebody.scrollLeft : pageXOffset var masterdivwidth=masterdivobj.width masterdivheight=masterdivobj.height masterdivobj.style.left=(masterdivleft=="right")? window_width-masterdivwidth-20 : masterdivleft setInterval("repositionit()", 100) } function repositionit(){ dsoctop=ie? iebody.scrollTop : pageYOffset masterdivobj.style.top=(masterdivtop=="bottom")? window_height-masterdivheight-14+dsoctop : parseInt(masterdivtop)+dsoctop } window.onload = function(){ var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*60000)+1; //alert(affiliate_wid + "," + affiliate_cid + " , " + 1000); setTimeout("checkCookie()", 1000); positionit(); //checkCookie() };